Applied Research

DGSS conducts sophisticated applied research to address problems within the region to improve lives, policies, and communities.

Basic research is designed to generate new knowledge; whereas, applied research is designed to solve particular problems. Applied research studies can be used to address problems and to improve life for individuals both in the workplace and the communities that they live in.

Field Research

Students, faculty, and staff at DGSS travel throughout the State of Washington collecting data for various research projects. Field observation provides researchers with first-hand data. When working with human subjects, field observation allows researchers to observe factors which may seem irrelevant to the subject and which the research subject may not convey in a survey.

Survey Research

When properly designed and implemented, surveys can provide valuable data to many areas of study. In collaboration with project clients, DGSS designs, develops, and implements surveys, shares their expertise for increasing response rates and representativeness, and provides meaningful analysis.


DGSS provides objective evaluation research on agency programs and policies and have conducted a wide range of studies for federal, state, and local government agencies. Their evaluation research has examined various topics including biased policing, economic development, community policing, environmental sustainability, and emergency management.